alpha trianguli造句


  1. Alpha Trianguli Australis, known as Atria, is a Beta and Gamma Trianguli Australis.
  2. Alpha Trianguli Australis is a bright giant star with an apparent magnitude of + 1.91.
  3. It has an apparent magnitude of 16.2 and is located about 5 degrees northwest of Alpha Trianguli.
  4. Within the constellation, it lies near the border of Pisces, 3.5 degrees west-northwest of Alpha Trianguli and 7 degrees southwest of Beta Andromedae.
  5. The second-brightest star, the yellow-white subgiant star Alpha Trianguli ( 3.41 m ) with a close dimmer companion, is also known as Caput Trianguli or Ras al Muthallath, and is at the apex of the triangle.
  6. It's difficult to find alpha trianguli in a sentence. 用alpha trianguli造句挺难的
  7. In Babylonian astronomy, Alpha Trianguli is listed as UR . BAR . RA " The Wolf ", bearing the epithet " the seeder of the plough " in the MUL . APIN, listed after " The Plough ", the name for a constellation formed of Triangulum plus Gamma Andromedae.


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